出版業界を舞台に、様々な欲望がうずまくブラック・コメディ小説『夢を売る男』(百田尚樹・著)が、このたび日英2カ国語で読める対訳版として新登場! 各社電子書籍ストアで8月4日(金)より配信が開始されています。 ※当記事後半に試し読みを公開!
(『日英対訳版 夢を売る男』書誌紹介ページ・あらすじより)
以下に、『日英対訳版 夢を売る男』の試し読みを特別公開!

【お試し読み】夢を売る男/The Man Who Sold Dreams
A baby boomer who wants to leave a brilliant personal history of himself. A young freelancer who idolizes Steve Jobs. A housewife who wants to present her theories on education to the world.
Maruei Publishing’s extremely clever, editorial-department head Ushigawara always uses the same sales pitch to such people. “It takes money to make dreams materialize in today’s world.” He boasted that this was the essence of doing business to gouge out the distorted desires of modern people.
This is a novel filled with many laughs and some tears.
1.Osamu Dazai Reincarnated
Kanji Ushigawara was leaning back in his chair picking his nose when the phone on his desk rang. With a finger of his right hand still in his nostril, he grabbed the phone with his left hand.
“Ushigawara here.”
“This is the receptionist. Ōmori-san is here to see you.”
“I’ll be right there.”
He put the phone down, rubbed off the mucous on his finger onto the underside of his desk, and picked up the envelope marked ‘Ōmori’ from the large pile on his desk.
In a booming voice, he asked the nearest staffer, “Which meeting room is open?” Junko Etō replied, “Meeting Room D is available.”
From his desk by the window in the middle of the office, Managing Editor Ushigawara looked over his staff in three rows of desks in front of him.
“I’ll be in Meeting Room D. Put it on the board,” he ordered her and headed out of the Editorial Dept.
Keisuke Araki, a member of the Editorial Dept., was standing in front of the 5th-floor elevator. Araki was 30 years old, 15 years younger than Ushigawara, but he had entered the company only six months prior.
Araki noticed the envelope Ushigawara was carrying and asked, “A new author?”
“Yup. I’m going to meet him now.”
“What kind of person is it?”
“A 29-year-old prodigy,” replied Ushigawara. “He’s a reincarnation of Osamu Dazai*.”
* One of the foremost fiction writers of 20th-century Japan, several of his most popular works (e.g., The Setting Sun and No Longer Human) are considered modern-day classics.
Araki stared in wonder. “Really! That’s incredible. And he is a year younger than me.”
“A once-in-50-years genius has appeared.”
Araki gave Ushigawara an enthusiastic thumbs-up. “Nice going, boss!”
Just then, the UP elevator arrived. As he was getting on to the elevator, Araki said, “Please tell me more about this genius later.” Soon after, the DOWN elevator arrived.
As soon as Ushigawara exited the elevator at the 1st-floor lobby, the attractive receptionist stood up attentively and pointed towards the corner of the room.
There in the corner of the lavish lobby, a sensitive-looking young man was sitting on the couch, hunched forward. His hair fell over his face, and it wasn’t visible. His hands were folded together on his lap.
Ushigawara greeted him cheerfully. “Yoh, Ōmori-kun.”
The young man was a bit startled. His body flinched a bit, and he impulsively raised his head. He unfolded his hands, and slowly stood up.
Small in stature and slim, a shabby jacket was flung over his narrow shoulders. Compared to the 180-centimeter-tall, 90-kilogram Ushigawara, their bodies were as different as an adult and a child.
“How do you do?”
Ushigawara met Ōmori with a smile. The young man tried to respond, but he was too nervous to smile back.
“It was good of you to come. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”
Putting his left hand on the young man’s shoulder, Ushigawara stuck out his right-hand which Ōmori gripped timidly. With a big smile on his face, Ushigawara’s big hand firmly gripped the young man’s limp and pale palm, and the big man put his other hand on the visitor’s shoulder. Ōmori smiled a bit for the first time.
“Well, let’s go to the meeting room.”
Ushigawara picked up a visitor’s badge from the receptionist, gave it to Ōmori, and then led him through a wide hall to the D meeting room.
In the middle of the large, 10-mat room were two leather-covered sofas separated by a thick glass table. The walls were paneled with cherry wood and the floor was covered by a thick carpet.
Ōmori remained at the side of the room for a while, seemingly unsure where to sit. But when Ushigawara welcomed the guest in with his hand, the young man seemed relieved and took a seat on one of the couches.
Sitting across the table from Ōmori, Ushigawara took the copy of the manuscript from the envelope and put it on the table. Ōmori saw it, recognized that it was his, and once again had a nervous look on his face.
Ushigawara didn’t say anything for a while. He told himself that with a prodigy novelist sitting right in front of him, it was necessary to restrain himself for a while. It was not the same as talking to an everyday writer.
At the same time, he turned over Ōmori’s bio in his mind. The young author had graduated from a university in Tokyo and took an office job. But after two years there, he quit and became a tutor at a cram school. Ōmori was 29 and not married. Most likely he had aimed at quietly writing a novel in solitude, and his efforts finally saw the light of day.
There was a silence between them for a while, and Ushigawara realized that an air of tension was rising in the quiet room. Well, this is about right, he thought.
“This novel of yours, The Crash.”
Speaking softly, Ushigawara paused for a while.
“… I read it twice, and am convinced that it’s great.”
The expression on Ōmori’s face suddenly brightened.
“If Osamu Dazai was alive today, I think he’d have written a novel like this one.”
“Um … Is that so?”
These were the first words out of the young man’s mouth, and his voice was quivering a bit.
“You are the first person that I have met who understands my work.”
Ushigawara nodded understandingly and continued.
“The average person wouldn’t understand this novel, but I think that in some ways that can’t be helped because it is so unconventional.”
Ōmori deeply nodded.
“A cutting-edge literary work like this can’t be understood by persistently old-school publishers. One fantastic thing about your novel is that it clearly brings to light modern man’s anguish and self-consciousness. But that’s not all. As I said before …”
As he talked, Ushigawara purposely leaned forward. But then, as if he was holding back, abruptly sunk back deeply into the sofa.
“… No, I won’t go any further now. If I get started talking about The Crash, no matter how much time we had there wouldn’t be enough to say everything. Once before I got carried away talking about a manuscript and I accidentally skipped the next meeting I was scheduled for that day. I vividly remember how upset I was with myself at the time.”
Ōmori smiled a bit and replied, “I see.”
“So,” Ushigawara continued, “have you made up your mind?”
“Yes, I have decided, and I want you to publish my novel. Thank you very much.”
“No, I am the one to be thanking you.”
“But if it was not for you, my novel would never see the light of day.”
“That’s not so. Even if I hadn’t noticed it, your novel would have caught someone else’s attention.”
“Perhaps, but who knows just when that might have been.”
“Excuse me for asking once again, but are you really okay working with our company? This is really a superb novel, and it wouldn’t be odd for a larger publisher to want to bring it out.”
A confused look appeared on Ōmori’s face for a moment. But he quickly erased it and said, “I have no particular attraction to those big publishers. I was disappointed in the other publishers that didn’t accept my novel, even though I really had no particular expectations. Now, to the contrary, I really want to show them what a mistake they made.”
“I’m very glad to hear that.”
Ushigawara stood up, put out his right hand, and firmly grasped Omori’s extended right hand.
“I am certain that The Crash will be a monumental publication for our company.”
“Thank you very much!”
“Well then, shall we move on to the contract?”
Ushigawara removed a file from his briefcase. It contained the publishing agreement between Maruei Publishing and Kōji Ōmori. With the signing of this contract, Maruei-sha would publish this prodigy novelist’s debut novel.
Suppressing his feeling of excitement, Ushigawara explained the contents of the agreement.
Ushigawara completed the contract signing with Ōmori and returned to the Editorial Department on the 5th floor. Just as sat back in his chair, the phone on his desk rang. It was another call from the receptionist.
“A visitor named Ms. Terashima is here to see you.”
“I see. I’ll be there right away.” As he said that, though, Ushigawara recalled that there wasn’t any meeting scheduled with Kimiko Terashima that day. The contract was completed a month earlier and her book was to be published two months from now. Wondering what she came for, once again he headed for the 1st -floor reception desk.
Standing in the lobby was an affluent-looking, chubby middle-aged woman. And standing next to her with dignity, of course, was her late middle-aged husband, Kazuaki, who ran a real estate company in Tokyo.
「『墜落』はうちの会社を代表する記念碑的な作品になると信じてる 」
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百田尚樹=著、ポール・J・ルービン=訳『日英対訳版 夢を売る男』は、2023年8月4日(金)より発売。1,980円(本体1,800円+税)。Amazon Kindle版、楽天Kobo、BOOK☆WALKERほか各社電子書籍ストアで配信中。